At end of turn, place 1 totem in any space unoccupied by opposing fighters and in Thrall's range (max 4 in play at any time). When an opposing fighter occupies a totem's space, destroy that totem. To ...
16 2
After Cairne wins combat, gain 1 RAGE. Before attacks, Cairne may gain +1 ATK per RAGE spent.
Card cancelling cancels spent RAGE. If Carine loses combat or if Baine dies: lose all RAGE.
14 2
When the Mandalorian plays a card as defense, add 1 to its value for each BESKAR ARMOR card in your discard pile.
If you draw any BESKAR ARMOR cards to start the game, reshuffle and draw again.
15 2
Voldemort cannot be defeated until after Nagini is defeated. (Set Voldemort's health at 1 whenever it would be 0 until after Nagini is defeated). After Nagini is defeated, immediately deal 2 damage to...
13 2
At the end of your turn, if Harry Potter played at least 1 SPELL, you may draw 1 card.
If you draw CLOTHES to start the game, reshuffle and draw again.
16 2
3x Shield Tokens: Discard before combat for +2 defense. Cortana takes 1 damage each time John 117 loses a combat when he is the defender in the combat.
14 3
3x Shield tokens: Discard before combat for +1 defense.
3x Cloak tokens: Discard at start of turn. The Arbiter may move through opposing fighters and only be attacked by adjacent fighters. Combat ends...
12 3
You may hold opponent cards in your hand and play them as your own. Return them to your opponent's discard pile afterwards.
16 2
At the end of the turn, place a wall in your zone. If none are available, move a wall from elsewhere on the board. Max 2 per zone.
Walls are impassable and may be removed by discarding a card while ad...
15 2
When Ash begins in the same zone as the Necronomicon, his health is reduced by 1, but he gains +1 to all attack / defence cards, and may draw 1 Necronomicon scheme card from the discard pile.